Lovely daughters Day!!
Dedicated to all girls��...
Never make your daughter stay under an umbrella, so that every one can peep and see...
make her as a sun�� if some one try to peep and see, their eyes should burn...
Happy daughter's week.
Daughter is not equal to tension
In today's world
Daughter is equal to
Ten son' s(����������)...
proverb: " Boy", is the one who leads mother and father to heaven after life...
but in fact "Girl" is the one who brings heaven in to home and to the parents life.....!
Forward to all lovely daughters...����
Who Would U Love More, Me Or Ur Husband..??.
The BEST Reply Given By the DAUGHTER:
I Don't Know Really,
But When I See U,
I Forget Him,
But When I See Him,
I Remember U..
U Can Always Call Ur DAUGHTER As" my boy",
But U Can Never Call Ur Son as "my girl"..
Never make daughters marriage�� a business,
she is a flower...never let her cry,
daughter is the Week proud and respect for her father, and she is proud to be his daughter��
make her always proud....
girl is a symbol of life,
never make her eyes become wet,
make sure u give complete happiness to her, because she never expects more from u....
To whome u tought walking, by holding your finger...,
later u will send her away in a sedan chair after marriage��....
its a very small journey with a girl....
she will stay for a very less time ⌚with us..!!
make her moments happy with us...
because u will feel the pain when she leaves you...
Week and
Pass it on to all luvly daughters u know
I am sending a ''LOVELY'' cheque of Rs. Happiness/- when u feel upset & alone withdraw it from my account and when u r too happy�� , deposit in my account.gud mng...make a nice day........
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