Now and then how the wifes transformation
Wife's routine progression over decades.....
Husband: _tea?_
Wife : _(is already standing with tea cup in hand)_
Husband: _tea?_
Wife: _I will get it immediately_
Husband: _tea?_
Wife: _I will get it_
Husband: _tea?_
Wife: _will get it, be patient_
Husband: _tea?_
Wife: _I will get it. Let there be a break in the serial (Tv)._
Husband: _tea?_
Wife: _don't create ruckus. When I will get free, I will get it. Otherwise make it yourself_
Husband: _tea?_
Wife: _what did you say ?_
Husband: _I was going to make tea. Thought I will ask you...... If you also want tea ?_
*Social transformation takes decades and generations.*
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