Sunday, March 16 2025

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Funny sms

In Japan, in a soap manufacturing company the soap blocks were made,
then wrapped in a wrapping paper automatically on an assembly conveyer belt
and finally packed in cartons...

Many a times it happened that the wrapping machine wrapped the paper without soap. i.e. you had an empty packet without soap.

To rectify this problem the Japanese company bought a X-ray scanner from the US for $60,000 to check on the  assembly line whether the container contained soap and wasn't empty. 

A similar problem happened at Nirma soaps, in Ahmedabad in INDIA.. Guess what they did????

They bought a bajaj fan costing around Rs.1500/- and placed it on the edge of the assembly line.
The empty wrappers, without soaps just blew away!!!


And You Say Japanese are Advanced in Technology.

We are

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