Magic sms
This year October has 5 Mondays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This Happens once every 823years. This is called money bags. So send to atleast 5 people or 5 Group's and money will arrive within 4days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. Send within 11 mins of reading.
◻◾◽▪▫⬜⬛⚫⚪⬜◽◻▫◾⬜◼��⬜▪◻▪⬜◽▪◼◽◻◾▪◻⬜⬛⚫⬛⬜◾◻▫◻◼◻◾⬜▪◽▫▪◽◻⚫▪◽◻⚫◻▪◽◻��▪◻▫◽◼◻▪▫◻◼ Send it to another group and see the magic ..........I am also shocked
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